
Does Infidelity Affect Spousal Support?

Infidelity is one of the most commonly cited reasons for divorce. If you are going through a divorce after your spouse engaged in an extramarital affair, it is normal to feel uncertain about your financial future.

For those facing a divorce in New York, you may wonder what the...

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business owners divorce

Business Owner’s Divorce: Unique Challenges

No matter how you earn a living, divorce is a difficult financial, legal, and emotional process. But divorcing as a business owner presents distinctive challenges.

When someone’s business is involved in the divorce process, many complex factors must be considered. To better understand the unique challenges that divorcing...

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couple looking at prenuptial agreement

Digital Privacy Clauses in Prenuptial Agreements

In an increasingly digital world, modern technology has profoundly impacted legal matters. For example, social media, text messages, and browser history can all create damning evidence against an individual in court.

With divorce proceedings in particular, digital evidence can quickly make a court battle turn ugly. As a result,...

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