Long Island Divorce Mediation Attorney

Couple in divorce mediation

Divorce can be emotionally and financially challenging and contentious, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Divorce mediation is a less adversarial approach to ending a marriage that can reduce stress and lead to positive outcomes. If you’re looking for a divorce mediator on Long Island or in New York City, turn to Aiello & DiFalco

We work with clients from all walks of life, including high-net-worth couples, to mediate divorce in a private and efficient manner. Our experienced mediators will work directly with you to understand your unique circumstances, goals, and options and reach mutually agreeable solutions. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. 

What is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation is a voluntary and non-adversarial process aimed at assisting couples in reaching mutually satisfactory agreements. Unlike divorce litigation, which involves court hearings and legal battles, mediation empowers couples to actively participate in shaping their post-divorce arrangements.

During mediation, a neutral and trained professional, known as a mediator, facilitates constructive communication between the spouses. The mediator fosters a cooperative environment where both parties can express their concerns, interests, and desires openly. 

By promoting understanding and empathy, the mediator helps the couple identify common ground and explore practical solutions for various aspects of their divorce, such as child custody, division of assets, and spousal maintenance (alimony).

Ultimately, mediation allows couples to maintain control over their decisions, rather than having a judge impose rulings upon them. The mediator assists in clarifying legal issues and guides the couple through the negotiation process, encouraging compromise and ensuring that all relevant factors are considered.

How Does Divorce Mediation Work?

Divorce mediation typically involves three to six sessions. The process begins by gathering information about the assets, debts, and bank accounts that need to be divided. Issues to resolve often include the division of property and debts, child custody, and support.

The mediator does not make decisions or issue rulings. Instead, the couple makes the final decisions about the divorce agreement. As professionally trained divorce mediators, we guide the negotiations and help both parties craft a solution. Once an agreement is reached, we can draft it for court approval.

The mediator cannot offer legal advice to either party, including offering any strategies or advice about whether or not to agree upon any particular issue.

Benefits of Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation is a valuable option for couples seeking a more amicable way to end their marriage. Some of the benefits include: 

Constructive Communication

One benefit of divorce mediation is its emphasis on open and constructive communication. The process allows both parties to voice their concerns, needs, and desires in a controlled and respectful environment. Mediation allows them to actively participate in decision-making and control the outcome. By promoting healthy dialogue, mediation helps pave the way for effective co-parenting and future cooperation.


In divorce litigation, issues such as asset division, child custody, and support often become contentious. In contrast, divorce mediation enables couples to work together, make joint decisions, and customize solutions to their specific needs and priorities. This collaborative approach often leads to more satisfactory agreements, minimizing the likelihood of future conflicts.


Divorce litigation can be an expensive and protracted process, draining financial resources and prolonging emotional distress. Mediation offers a cost-effective alternative, typically requiring fewer sessions and reducing overall expenses like court appearances and attorney fees. By streamlining the divorce process, mediation helps couples save both time and money, allowing them to move forward and rebuild their lives more swiftly.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Unlike court proceedings, which are often open to the public, divorce mediation takes place in a confidential setting. This allows both parties to feel more comfortable expressing their concerns openly, knowing that discussions and negotiations will remain private. This privacy not only protects sensitive information but also helps maintain the dignity and reputation of both spouses during a challenging period.

Reduced Emotional Stress

Divorce can exacerbate feelings of anger, resentment, and fear. Mediation provides a supportive environment that encourages spouses to focus on problem-solving rather than stoking conflicts. The mediator helps facilitate discussion and provides emotional support, enabling couples to work through their differences.

How Long Does Divorce Mediation Take in New York?

The duration of divorce mediation in New York can vary significantly depending on many factors, which means that the timeline of every case will be different. However, here is a general overview of what to expect.

In New York, divorce mediation typically takes several months to complete. The process involves a series of structured sessions with a trained mediator who helps the couple reach agreements on various aspects of their divorce, such as child custody, property division, and spousal support. The pace of mediation largely depends on the complexity of the issues involved and the willingness of both parties to cooperate and compromise.

Simple divorces with fewer assets and no children may be resolved in a quicker manner, often within a few months. On the other hand, more complex cases with substantial assets, child custody disputes, or contentious issues may take longer, potentially extending the proceedings to over a year long.

It’s important to note that New York law requires a 90-day waiting period from the date the divorce papers are served to the finalization of the divorce, regardless of whether mediation is used. This waiting period is designed to allow both parties time to consider their decisions and possibly reconcile.

Additionally, the availability and scheduling of mediation sessions can impact the timeline. Mediators’ schedules and the willingness of both spouses to attend and actively participate in sessions play crucial roles in determining how long the process takes.

Ultimately, the duration of divorce mediation in New York is highly variable, but it is generally a more efficient and less time-consuming option compared to a litigated divorce, which can often take much longer due to court backlogs and legal proceedings. Couples considering mediation should consult with a qualified mediator for a more precise estimate tailored to their specific circumstances.

Why Choose Us For Your Mediation?

At Aiello & DiFalco, we have the skills and experience to guide you through the divorce mediation process. We have mediated hundreds of divorces. When you work with us, we will provide objective insights to help you make informed decisions and help you stay focused on the big picture. During the sessions, we will help you communicate effectively, ensuring your concerns are understood and your voice is heard. Throughout the process, we will foster a cooperative environment, helping you achieve the best possible outcome.

Contact Our Experienced Long Island Divorce Mediator

If you’re considering divorce mediation, turn to Aiello & DiFalco. Our dedicated team of professionals offers informed guidance, objective insights, and caring, efficient service. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.